→books in Polish
Preface in “Polish science and technology studies in the new millennium”.
written together with Krzysztof Arbiszewski and Andrzej W. Nowak
Editors: Krzysztof Abriszewski, Aleksandra Derra , Andrzej W. Nowak
Studies on Culture, Technology and Education, 2022, vol. 8, Berlin, Peter Lang Publishing Group, s.7-9, ISBN 978-3-631-84388-8
Women not to be seen : the medical versus feminist thought style on anorexia nervosa.
in: “Polish science and technology studies in the new millennium”.
Editors: Krzysztof Abriszewski, Aleksandra Derra , Andrzej W. Nowak
Studies on Culture, Technology and Education, 2022, vol. 8, Berlin, Peter Lang Publishing Group, s.47-68, ISBN 978-3-631-84388-8
Beyond the nature/culture division. Building complementary knowledge on disease.
in: “Roman Ingarden and Our Times. Recent Trends in Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy”.
Editors: D. Czakon, N.A. Michna, L. Sosnowski.
Kraków: Wydawnictwo Księgarnia Akademicka 2021, 105-131.
Holobionts, Symbiosis and New Narratives for the Troubled Times of Donna Haraway’s Chthulucene. Review of Donna Haraway’s.
Review of Donna Haraway’s (2016), “Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene”,
Durham–London: Duke University Press Books, “Analiza i Egzystencja” 50/ 2020, 79-93.
Review of Donna J. Haraway’s, Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene,
“Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies” , February 8, 2019.
Gender Sensitive Philosophy of Science Meets Radical Constructivism,
in: Theo Hug, Josef Mitterer, Michael Schorner (Hg.), “Radikaler Konstruktivismus. Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft”.
Innsbruck, Innsbruck University Press 2019, 175-189.
Is the integration of the philosophical perspective and the scientific views possible? The post-Wittgensteinian need for theoretical re-formulations,
„Ruch Filozoficzny” tom LXXIII, 2/2017, 47-59.
Between Self-Colonization and Exclusion: Philosophical Fantasies of a Woman Practising Philosophy. In the Marigins of the Work of Michèle Le Dœuff,
“Czas Kultury/English” 4/2016, 79-99.
The basic concepts of Fregean semantics. Frege as the father of the contemporary philosophy of language,
“Studia Semiotyczne. English Supplement” 2015, vol. XXVI, 151-168.
Wittgenstein’s Later Work’s Influence on the Methods of Language Research,
“Studia Semiotyczne. English Supplement” 2015, vol. XXVII, 305-328.
The Human Dream of Power. The Portrait of Science as a Conceptual Heritage of the Modern Era,
“AVANT. Pismo Awangardy filozoficzno-naukowej”, 1/2015, 40-61.
Why has the Queen of Bees Been the King for so Long? A Few Reflections on the Gender Problem in Science.
in: Hajo Greif, Martin Weiss (eds.), “Ethics, Society, Politics. Proceedings of the 35th International Wittgenstein Symposium”, Berlin 2013,
Boston: De Gruyter Ontos, 531-545.
Wittgenstein’s category of use as a starting point for the theory of language,
“Cognitive Science and Media in Education”, 1/2010, 139-150.
Nicht-dualisierende Redeweise und weibliche Subjektivität,
in: Alexander Riegler and Stefan Weber (hg.), “Die Dritte Philosophie. Kritische Beiträge zu Josef Mitterers Non-Dualismus”, Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft 2010, 215-227
(translated by Wolfram K. Köck)
How the Category of Embodiment Transforms the Problems of Philosophy of Language: The Case of Understanding.
in: Volker Munz, Klaus Puhl, Joseph Wang(eds.), “Language and World. Part Two. Signs, Minds and Actions”, Frankfurt, Lancaster: ontos verlag 2010, 235-245.