

międzynarodowe – 3

Brain, Gender and Cognition: Feminist Critical Approach to Neuroscience, 4th Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting of Society for Women in Philosophy – Ireland, “Ways of Knowing: Feminist Philosophy of Science and Epistemology”, Dublin, 27-28 listopada 2015.

Fatherhood as a Feminist Issue. Concepts, Theories and Controversies, key-note lecture, conference: Focus on Fathers. Fatherhood in contemporary discourse, 4-5 września 2015, Wrocław.

The Constructivist Dimension of the Conceptual Framework of the Contemporary Systems Biology, 38th International Wittgenstein Symposium, „Realism – Relativism – Constructivism”, Kirchberg nad Wechsel, Austria, 9-15 sierpnia 2015.

Women as a Concealed Factor. Feminist Approach to Epistemological Entanglement of the Medical Phenomenon of Anorexia. Perspectives for Medical Humanities, The 9th European Feminist Research Conference Sex & Capital, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland, 3-6 czerwca 2015.

Udział w debacie Teaching to Transgress. Teaching – a Radical Political Action?, organizowanego w ramach projektu Feminist New Materialism – a Political Perspective in the Context of Polish Post-transition Gender Politics Moniki Rogowskiej-Stangret i Olgi Cielemęckiej, Warszawa, Wydział Filozoficzny, 25 maja 2015.

Molecular repressing of fears that is about sex which is genetically constructed, EASST biannual conference: Situating Solidarities: social challenges for science and technology studies, Toruń 17-19 września 2014.

Women as a Concealed Factor. Feminist Approach to Epistemological Entanglement of Anorexia Nervosa, SWIP workshop, Galway, Irlandia, 22 marca 2014.

Science and technology do not like women? Feminist intervention in philosophy of science: the case studies of Barbara McClintock and Rosalind Franklin’, Trinity College Dublin Philosophy Colloquium, 9 grudnia 2013.

The Gender Problem in Science, “Science. Polish Perspectives”, Cambridge 15-16 listopada 2013.

Why has the Queen of Bees been the King for so Long? Gender Problem in Science. 35th International Wittgenstein Symposium, „Ethics – Society – Politics”, Kirchberg nad,Wechsel, Austria, 5-11 sierpnia 2012.

The Material(istic) Turn in Philosophical Approaches to Science and Language. Embodied Paradigm Showing that Language Comes from the Body, seminarium „Philosophie und Wissenschaftsforschung”, ETH Zürich (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule), połączone z Latsis-Symposium 2011, „Science and Democracy”, Ludwik Fleck Zentrum at Collegium Helveticum, University of Zürich, ETH, Zürich, Szwajcaria, 26-28 maja 2011.