
→polish conferences


Women as a Concealed Factor. Epistemological Entanglement of the Medical Phenomenon of Anorexia, EASST 2010, „Practicing Science and Technology. Performing the Social”, European Association for the Study of Science and Technology, University of Trento, Trento, Italy, 2-4 September 2010.

Language as a notion philosophically problematic. The case of N. Chomsky’s theory, „Ways to protolanguage: the initial stages of the evolution of the language faculty”, Department of English Studies NCU, Toruń, 21-23 September 2009.

How the Category of Embodiment Transforms the Problems of Philosophy of the Language. The Case of Understanding, 32th International Wittgenstein Symposium, ‘Language and World’, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, 9-15 August 2009.

Female subjectivity problem in the context of the tyranny of the moment, ‘Tyranny of the Moment. The Consequences of Information Inflation and Fast Time Domination’, Institute of Philosophy NCU, Toruń, 4-5 October 2007.

Philosophy at the Crossroads. Is it Possible to Love Wisdom in the Information Age?, 30th International Wittgenstein Symposium, „Philosophy of the Information Society”, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, 5-11 August 2007.

Is the Integration Between the Philosophical Perspective and the Scientific Views Possible?, „Embodied and Situated Cognition: from Phenomenology to Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence”, Polish Cognitive Association, Institute of Philosophy NCU, Methodology of Science Department by The Science of Science Committee, Polish Accademy of Science, Toruń, 16-18 November 2006.

Lebensform as a Wittgensteinian Way of Understanding Culture –Theoretical Perspectives for the (Intercultural) Dialogue, 29th International Wittgenstein Symposium, „Cultures: Conflict – Analysis – Dialogue”, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, 6-12 August 2006.

Wittgenstein’s Category of Use as a Starting Point for the Theory of Language „Dutch-Flemish Society for Analytic Philosophy”, University of Amsterdam, Holland, March 2006.

The Wittgensteinian Idea of Analysis as a Base for Constructive Contemporary Scepticism, 26th International Wittgenstein Symposium, „Experience and Analysis”, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, 8-14 August 2004.

Late Wittgenstein on Truth, the 2nd edition of the Polish and British scientific conference ‘Epistemological Controversies’,
Institute of Philosophy NCU, Toruń 21-22 September 2001.

What Do We Know When We Are Talking About Something?, 1st edition of the Polish and British scientific conference ‘Epistemological Controversies’, Institute of Philosophy NCU, Toruń, Sepptember 1999.